Professional Translation Services

Professional Translation Services for Documents

Best Language Services (BLS) provides professional translation services for documents. The company specialises in all fields of document translation such as certified documents, legal documents, technical documents, academic documents, business documents and many other fields. Professional translation is not like any other translation such as machine translation. You need professional document translation because you need to achieve high degree of accuracy, and you don’t want to leave any error for your important documents.

As your business go global, your need for professional translation services for documents grows. Consumers worldwide are looking for businesses that can communicate with them in a language that they understand and can connect to. This is where the role of our translation services agency comes in.

We are one of the major translation services providers in the UK. Our experienced team of translators is capable of translating your documents into more than 120 languages. We understand the importance of accuracy and professionalism required by our clients. We have many years of experience when it comes to the quality that is expected from us.

Online Translation Services for Documents

We at BLS offer fast translation services for documents delivered to your inbox. With years of experience, we translate all kinds of documents ranging for business and for personal use. Our team consists of translators who specialise in many languages and dialects. We offer translation services for:

  • Academic documents
  • Official documents
  • Legal documents
  • Technical documents
  • Personal documents
  • Business documents
  • Medical documents
  • And more.

best translation services

We follow your instructions to deliver the best quality for any document that you share with us. We offer certified translations into one language or multiple languages. We make use of latest translation and localisation software to provide the high quality documents to meet the highest standards. We provide affordable translation services for documents, from start to finish.

 Legal Translation Services

Legal documents such a agreements, court orders, patents are all in legal translation services field. You will need professional linguists with expertise in legal field, which may cover various subjects. Our legal document translations include:

  • Patent translations and patent filings
  • trademark and Servicemark registrations
  • Registration of copyright
  • Legal agreements
  • Litigation documents including, affidavits, depositions and pleadings, settlement agreements, correspondence, and written discovery documents
  • Insurance, birth certificates, marriage license, divorce certificates, driver license, deeds, wills and academic documents
  • Business proposals, proposals, business formation, compliance with regulations, contracts, financial records, and business ownership documents
  • Official Immigration documents

Legal translations require accuracy, precision, security and confidentiality. You can have all these qualities you will need a professional translation services provider such as Best Language Services agency.

Business Translation Services

Just like legal and medical translation services, business translation has a set of specific terminology, and it takes an experienced professional business translator to understand the right words in every business document. Businesses documents include written materials, such as articles of organisation or incorporation, financial reports, tax identifications, permits, and financial reports, balance sheets and many other documents. Only a professional linguists with experience in the business language will understand the precise business terms for each occasion.

We provide the highest quality business translation services to global major companies and brands. Our services span across range of sectors, including but not limited to marketing documents, HR and employee development, healthcare, PR, user manuals, packaging labels and advertising and much more.

We take pride in delivering accurate, precise, technically high standard business translation services in over 120 languages. Our aim is making sure our clients engage with their audiences in any language and location. Whatever your goals are, we will ensure your document translation delivers on all your needs.

Medical Translation Services

Likewise, medical translation requires accuracy and precision. The process of medical translation involves translations of sensitive information, including prescriptions, patient’s medical history, doctor’s diagnosis, medical manuals, medical training materials, medical equipment usage, medical packaging labels, marketing materials, clinical trials and more.

The fields of healthcare and medicine have specific terminology. Medical translation is a field where no error can exist due the importance placed on the right use of the medical documents. That is why BLS only works with the highest medical translator in the field. We allow no margin for error. Our team understands the importance of accurate medical translation, that is why we are trusted by global brands in many parts of the world.

Official and Certified Translation Services

Do you need an official or certified translation for immigration, legal, academic, professional, or financial application?

Most organisation in the UK, countries or embassies require an official certified translation when you present a document issued from another country to support an application. The requirement from one organisation to another may be different; we therefore ask your clients to let us know who requested the document or the application.

At BLS, we understand each authority\’s requirements, and make sure that we have the right translators for each assignment. We can provide sworn, certified, notarised and legalised translations that are acceptable globally.

What is a Certified Document Translation?

A certified document translation is the translation of a document that is accompanied with a translation certification. The certification is usually in the form of a company or translator signature, stamp and a statement which states that the translation is accurate and true copy of the original document.

Certified translations are required by authorities and organisations in the UK, EU, USA, Canada, Australia and many other major countries worldwide. At BLS we make sure that our certified translation meets your needs in any country and organisation.

What is an Official Translation?

An official translation is the translation of a document, such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate or academic diplomas and degrees, with an accompanying certification or sworn statement from an authorised agency or a translator.

Official translations are usually required if you’re submitting a document issued from outside a country to a government authority or organisation, as part of your application. 

The term “official translation” is often used interchangeably with certified, sworn, legalised or notarised document translations, but the certification is slightly different.

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